
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

End Of An Era

Well this week got the news that the gym I have been training in and coaching out of is closing its doors for ever.

I want to recap my time at CrossFit Kelowna and do my best to remember the best of the place that has been like my home and the people who have become my family over the last 3.5 years.

The Beginning

In 2008 I joined the Canadian Forces and though shooting the shit with the boys on my basic military qualification I met Chris. He told me he was doing this thing called "CrossFit" and said I should come by and give it a shot. So after the course had finished I went by and did an intro with him. This is what is consisted of.

Short talk about what CF is
400m ball run with 20lbs - time was 1:18
Max pull ups - I think got 12
Max push ups - Something like 45
Max sit ups in 2 min - no idea probably was pathetic

Then we did Tatabta squats - I think I got 15

I left thinking to myself something like "Fuck that was retarded, Ill just stick to the body building workouts".  I woke up the next day my legs were sooo god damn sore I could hardly walk. Since then I was hooked.
Me fat and in the army

The Garage:

The original CF Kelowna was the garage. It was small really cold in the winter and really fucking hot in the summer. It was dirty, it was kinda sketchy and it was probably the best fucking times I ever had and ever will have working out.

We were a small crew mainly made up of Colton, Cronk, Chris, Cathrine, Beth and myself. We did team work out and made the best of what small amount of equipment was available. The bars were shitty, there was only two box jumps and the wall balls were basket balls filled with sand. It was very mickey mouse but it worked and we all got our asses kicked.

The New Place:

When winter came along Chris made the move into a new permanent facility, the gym as most of you knew it.  Here I met and became friends with many people and was happy to sweat, grunt and lift beside all of them. During this time I also went and received my CF certification and started running classes, and coaching.  When Chris left I tried to purchase the gym from him but with out getting into details it turned out that financially it would not be a good idea for myself. So I assumed the position of Head Trainer.

Through my time coaching at CF Kelowna I have seen all of you progress so much and do things that I know you never thought were possible. You guys are amazing group of peoople who I will never forget.

The Future:

I don't know what lays ahead for us and I don't know where we will all end up. All I want to say is that I wish you all the best and that if there is anything I can do to help you on your journey to fitness do not hesitate to ask.

Thanks again for all your support and kind words in the last few days. I am sorry it all ended so soon.

Love all you guys


1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear this. I closed my gym down in PG back in 09 and it sucked. Slowly a new training group is building down here in Vernon, but it will never be the same. I'm sure if you decide to get something going again in the future you will do well with all that you have learned in the last three years.
    Tony Tomra
