
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hand Maintenance

Sorry for the lack of post lately, I will try harder.

So I just wanted to make a quick point on hand maintenance, and I guess on all tissue maintenance for that matter, and its importance to your consistency in  training. There are 2 ways you can go about this and one is obviously the better path to take, unless you like beating your body into a horrible mess and then digging your way out of the pit and resuming your training thereafter.

The first way and the stupid way is to train hard everyday, ride that horse like a sun'a bitch and put 'er away wet as fuck. STUPID. Your body and its tissues will only put up with the abuse for so long before it breaks or becomes so pissed off you cant move without it putting up a fight. Don't be this guy/gal.

The smart way to train is to do a little pre-hab, stretch, foam roll, hydrotherapy (ice bath, warm Epsom salts bath) and rest when needed are the best way to allow your self to beat the hell out of your body and get some serious training in for a long period of time. A little effort outside the gym will pay off huge inside. Remember you don't get stronger in the gym, you get stronger when your body has had a chance to recover and adapt from the damage you did in the gym.

That being said it doesn't take a lot of time to do, although more is better, but don't go crazy sitting in an ice bath until your lips are blue and you no longer have a penis that can be seen with the naked eye is probably too much. If your training hard 5-6 times a week I would say 15-30 min of stretching a night and a ice bath or warm Epsom salt bath (I alternate these) every 2-3 days is probably a good place to start and adjust to your needs and how your body is feeling.

So because some one has already done the work for me I'll just be lazy and post the video. Your hands are your money makers in the gym, if you cant hold on to the weight how are you going to lift it? Take care of your mitts boys and girls. Here is Donny with a few words of wisdom.

A site that I highly recommend is Kelly Starrett's Mobility WOD do them every day, it only takes about 10 min. I do the daily WOD then another 10-15 min or more on whatever else feels like shit. Its paid off big time!


  1. Hey John, in regards to the MWOD. Would you suggest in just jumping in at whatever MWOD it is that day? Or going back to the beginning and starting from the start? I guess if you do the daily, and supplement it with whatever else you need to work on, it'd be good.

    I think I answered my own question. Nice to see you posting again!

  2. Yeah Chris I would just jump in and go for it. If you need some extra work on a certain area just search for that body part I'm sure a ton of stuff will pop up.

  3. Yeah I'm still struggling to find the stretch I need for my overhead press/jerk position. Most of what I'm finding is for front rack/snatch position which is fine for me heh... Think I might have found something good snooping around on MWOD.

    Some of his stuff I have no idea what he's actually doing... lol. But I'll do my best to recreate it.
